Friday, January 10, 2014

A Very Merry Christmas!

For Christmas this year we did a ton of fun activities. Pre-K 2 started off by making gift bags for the gifts for parents.
They made these adorable ornaments for their parents this year.

Here they are working on them!

We worked on cutting and matching at centers.
Pre-K1 started working on our Christmas chain. We make one every year and it's always one of the favorite centers. I leave it out as a come and go center. They have to write a Christmas word on a strip, then they add the strip to the chain themselves.
They work really hard on it!

Even Pre-K 2 pitched in one day while they were in my class!
We hang the finished chain up. Look at all those precious pre-k written words! LOVE.
We also journaled some more, working on phonetic spelling.
Ms. Molly has a yearly tradition of caroling, and here's some Pre-K 1 elves getting ready to sing!
Here's us caroling!
One of our sweet parents took our picture when we were done!
Afterwards, we got busy getting back to centers and painting!
We made reindeer food for Santa's reindeer at art.
It was an independant center, so we had word and picture directions and they completed it themselves.
One of the most precious things in the world is watching them help one another without prompting. I watch them and hope that they will keep their compassionate and kind spirits throughout their lives. They are so quick to help a friend!
We even had an adorable reindeer volunteering to help at the reinder food table!
Next, Pre-K 1 worked on our ornaments. We made mini ornaments this year, and I think they turned out pretty cute!
Here's one finsihed!
During our class party we had a book exchange. Our room moms make our parties run SUPER smoothly and we are blessed to have them. For the exchange, they made a game where the peas switched with one another. This is the best natured group of kids, they loved the game and everyone was appreciative of their books and thanked one another.
Both classes enjoyed snacks and treats. I didn't get pictures of Pre-K 2's party, but they had super cute snacks over there, too!
At the end of our week we had Polar Express day. We wore our pj's to school and we read the book....
And made a train in class!
After reading the book, we lined up to have our tickets punched to in to the Polar Express movie!

We got cozy all together and enjoyed watching the movie.
We took breaks during the movie to have hot chocolate and popcorn!

It was a great end to a great week!