Monday, April 23, 2012

Circus Spectacular!

Last Monday morning in Pre-K:
Me-"Good morning! Welcome to the circus!"
Pea-"Um, no Ms. Jennifer, that's NOT how you do it."
Me-"How you do what?"
Pea-"It goes like this: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, welcome to the greatest show on earth!"
Well, I'm pretty sure Pre-K is the greatest show on earth, and we didn't have to stretch our imaginations very far to pretend we were at the circus! This might be hands down my favorite week so far this year. I think you'll like it, too.

Act 1: Arts and Crafts
We made some really silly clowns.
And a circus train.
Act 2: Math
We ate candy peanuts and then graphed who liked them and who did not. We made predictions before eating our treat, then we counted how many friends did or didn't like them, and compared which number was greater and which was less. 
We graphed skittles by sorting them into the colors on a clown's balloon. Yum.
Short Intermission to take a cotton candy break!
As you can imagine, this was a VERY popular snack. Ms. Molly and Ms. Ashley do some themed snacks throughout the year, and this one might be the favorite so far.
On to-
Act 3: Literacy (and some acrobatics.)
We colored and read an easy reader about the circus.
We had several really cute Morning Messages.
And we even did some alphabet acrobatics...
Act 4: And we rounded off the week with a circus show and a special Under the Big Top Luncheon.
First we practiced our skills, especially tight rope walking. It's not as easy as it sounds.
Now we were ready for the show. We had a ringmaster. (Well, actually we had two.)
We had lions that jumped through a ring of fire.
We had clowns, of course. They juggled balloons and acted very silly.
And we had 3 lovely acrobats/trapeze artists.
After the circus show, we got ready to eat our special lunch!
One pea's dad brought us this Uh-MAZING cake! Pretty awesome huh?
For our special lunch we chowed down on hot dogs, chips, fresh fruit and juice boxes.
And that wraps up Circus week. We're on a countdown now....only 37 more days until graduation! I'm sure everyone will be hearing bits and pieces of the songs we have picked out now that we will be practicing daily. Also a BIG congratulations to the Hall family on their new addition to the family!
Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. That is just adorable. The kids looked like they had a great time.

