Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hola from Mexico!

After our week off, we came back ready to dive into Mexican culture! We began by reviewing some of the places we have already traveled!
Then got our passports "stamped" and got started.
We learned some spanish and read a few books that I really loved.

We learned about many of the native people of Mexico, specifically the Aztecs and Mayans. Here is one of their ancient temples recreated!
We kicked off art by painting the Mexican flag and hearing the legend behind the symbol on it which you can read about here.
Next we made our own pinatas. Well, mini pinatas!
We also played a game with these mini sombreros my mom gave me a while back. The kids loved them. They had to toss the sombrero and land on different marks to earn points. They threw a total of four hats, then added the points of any marks they hit. Math and motor skills, win win!
 We also made ponchos. This was so much fun and the kids had an opportunity to get really creative. We talked about the colors and designs that we saw in traditional Mexican art and the kids really got into it!
 We also made sombreros and this was my absolute favorite project this week, they were SO cute!
Aren't these adorable? I love them!

Lastly, we made this recipe....
which was a huge hit! I was sort of skeptical since they weren't too enthusiastic about how it would taste while making the recipe. They wrinkled their noses at the corn going into the mix. But as it turned out, they went crazy for this recipe which was super delish.
Lastly we graphed who liked our treat and who didn't. As you can see, it was a hit with almost everyone!
That wraps up our week of Mexico, so adios! We're leaving on a jet plane to Italy!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun trip your Sweet Peas had south of the border!! That ancient temple was quite impressive!!!! So glad the mini sombrero's came in handy - cute game. The Mexican Corn Cake looked yummy, may have to get that recipe from you. Can't wait for your trip to Italy!!!!!! I've always wanted to go there and now I'll experience it along with your little ones.
