Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gingerbread Week

We had a blast during Gingerbread week! We started off with this book....
And over the next few days we read several variations of it!
 This one was VERY silly and being in Texas, we really enjoyed this cowboy gingerbread book!
We traced a cookie cutter and added features for our morning message.
 Then, suddenly, this guy showed up in our classroom! We really loved having him around until he starting running away! Like, EVERY day! He left notes that said things like:
"Dear Pre-K,
I've run, run away.
Don't worry, I'll be back,
I just wanted a little snack!"
Love, G."
Then we used the clues to search the building until we found him. He was kind of naughty!
 We also colored gingerbread houses in a color sight word easy reader. 
And even though our gingerbread man ran away A LOT, we decided to take a chance and bake up some gingerbread men of our own.
Smelling the vanilla. Consensus says: Vanilla, yummy. Molasses, not yummy.
We each cut out our own and decorated them.
And what do you know, they didn't run away at all! We kept a close eye on them and ate them right up!
The recipe we used is below. You can also find it here.
Next, we made gingerbread patterns in the pocket chart during centers.
We even had gingerbread inspired clothing! Adorable!
We also did a take home project! Each child took home a gingerbread person and decorated them so we could add them to our Gingerbread book.
Here are a couple ginger friends...
 But first we decided to make a gingerbread house for them.
They hung out in the gingerbread house for awhile, which was pretty stinkin' cute!
As for that gingerbread man, he disappeared at the end of the week and hasn't be seen of or heard from again. But we'll always be on the lookout for that naughty Gingerbread man!

Ms. Jennifer :)

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