Friday, August 30, 2013

Our First Week!

So Monday started our official.....
and we are off to a great start! We spent the week learning the routines of our new classroom. We did our first Morning Message:
We decorated the journals we will be using for the rest of the year:
And we were introduced to our Handwriting curriculum and used our handwriting books for the first time!
 We also started sending home our backpack with the leader of the day. The first backpack has Biscuit and some Biscuit books, but later more interactive backpacks will be sent home throughout the year. Here is today's adorable leader:
 We also played inside and outside and got to know new friends and explored the centers in our new class.
Our theme this week was The Name Game and we did some name activities.
We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, then did some art with the letters of our names falling out of the coconut tree!
 One difference in Pre-K is that we strongly encourage independence, especially at the art table. The new kids are always so amazed that I give them the supplies and directions and then allow them to do everything themselves. :) They learn where our supplies are and that they are free to get anything out as long as they understand how to use the supplies and clean up after themselves. I know it gives them a great sense of accomplishment to be so independent!

We also counted the number of letters in our name and built the length in cubes. Then we compared who had more, the same or less.
Afterwards, we graphed our names in our pocket chart.
I love these pictures where they are talking to each other and working together. They are precious!
We did SO many things I didn't get pictures of, but that's because we were busy learning and playing! That wraps up our first week, have a wonderful holiday weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my what a bunch of cuties! So precious. I can't wait to visit your class and meet them. Love, Mom
