Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What's Cooking?

To kick off our cooking week we discussed fruits and vegetables. Ms. Rhonda read aloud this favorite:
If you've never read it, check it out. It's a great story! Pre-K 2 began by cutting out pictures of food and using them for a writing prompt in their journals.
 They wrote, "I like to eat...."
 They also made fruit loop necklaces at a center!
 After discussing vegtables they cooked up some pizza at the craft table and added the toppings they would enjoy.
We brought our own healthy snacks during the week and we enjoyed sorting and graphing what we brought by size, color, type, etc. 
 Pre-K 1 read this story:
 Then we made our own stone soup in class!
 We acted out the story as we went. One pea was the traveler in the story and the rest of the class were the townspeople who came forward adding one thing at a time.
 We let it cook all day....
 Ms. Angela served our soup for afternoon snack. Suprisingly, they loved it!
 Some people even had seconds!
 Pre-K 2 discussed fruit and did a fruit patterning activity.
 They also had a big farm puzzle they worked on as a group.
 Great job girls! 
I love this snaggletooth smile. :)
 Later both classes made a recipe using fruit: apples! Pre-K 1 made traditional apple pie.
 After eating it, we graphed who liked it.
 Pre-K 2 made apple turnovers which were also very yummy!

Ms. Rhonda and Ms. Amy provided several sensory tubs with soapy water and kitchen utensils.
The peas enjoyed experimenting with measuring, pouring and whisking.

We also got a little math work done during the week. We have manipulatives out all the time the peas can use to sort, make patterns and count with. We also have the white calendar numbers you see below that we use for number games. The peas wanted to play with the numbers and took them to the table and began sorting manipulatives and matching them to the numbers. Then they began adding them by making number sentences. It's so amazing to see how some concepts evolve naturally through play. I added the addition and equal sign for them and explained what they mean. I love impromptu learning opportunities!
Next, Pre-K 1 did a little pizza activity of their own. We set up a table of toppings.
Then Ms. Angela invited friends to come over and make their own pizza.

Meanwhile, at another center we invited the peas to journal about pizza. They worked hard drawing some interesting pizzas and doing some wonderful writing.

Yum, a pepperoni pizza in the works. It looks delicious.
I love this journal entry. Precious.
That wraps up cooking week. Happy Wednesday!

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