Sunday, February 15, 2015

{Silly Soup Stories}

Towards the end of January we had a theme called "Silly Soup Stories." There are SO many soup books. There are even pins on Pinterest full of soup stories. We dove right into the silliness and had a great time doing it! We started by reading some soup books. These were our favorites!
Then we set up our home center with materials to cook with. We had big pots, ladles and plenty of fake veggies for our little chefs!
At one of our independent centers we had our group morning message which asked what they thought would go into "yuck soup." They cut out pictures and glued them into the pot on our morning message.
One of the biggest hits of the week was our alphabet soup sensory bin. We added letters to the water tubs with pitchers, bowls, spoons and tweezers. They LOVED this center! 
We are moving forward with teaching letter identification and sounds so Ms. Angela did this literacy listening center with small groups.
   Next we learned about pop art and saw a few of Andy Warhol's masterpieces. Here is a kids page and here is the Warhol museum page. Since we were doing everything about soup, we made some Warhol inspired Cambell's soup cans!
 These turned out SO good! Especially for little hands, this was a lot of coloring. But of course, being a sneaky teacher, that was the plan! Fine motor work and muscle building while having fun!
We made a display of them in our classroom. Come on by to check it out!
Next we discussed a lot of soups and our favorites and the class voted on making Chicken Noodle Soup. Ms. Angela led the cooking activity by having the peas help her follow a recipe!
 The best part was when Ms. Angela made us all homemade grilled cheese sandwiches to go with our soup! Our lunch was delish.
The next day, one of our sweet moms made our runner up soup of choice, Taco Soup for the peas to enjoy. It was a hit!
 During our group time we read this story: 
 and then worked together to list the wolf's character traits before he met the chicken face to face and after. He was a changed wolf.
Another story we couldn't pass up during soup week was this favorite:
 After reading the story we each made our own stone soup. This was a fantastic activity because the peas drew their own veggies and then cut them out.
 Here's a coup of adorable peas and their soup pots.
After reading the story we graphed if they would eat stone soup. As you can see, they didn't get past the "stone" part. :)
We also used a stone soup poem for our journals for the week. They illustrated the poem.
Well, our whole week was soup-er! See what I did there? ;) Hope you all have a soup-er week, too!

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