Friday, February 15, 2013

Love is in the Air!

So this was a crazy, fun, busy, messy week of Valentine's Day activities! Isn't this Post-It holder adorable?I added the note, because this week it was truer than ever!
 We started off the week by making some decorations for our classrooms by marble painting hearts.
Marble painting can be tricky!
Ms. Angela liked the outline our marble painting she snapped a picture of it. Cute!
We made a Valentine bulletin board to display our work and bring some Love to our classroom.
All week we had a valentine messy table where you could get as creative as you liked!
It turned out to be very popular and VERY messy!
Here's a couple of handmade hearts:
For math we did a Conversation heart sort and then wrote how many hearts we had of each color since we have been practicing writing our numbers! Here, Ms. Rhonda is working with PK 2 as they sort.
Ms. Meagan came by our class in PK 1 and helped out at the sorting table! Thanks Ms. Megan!
Afterwards, we might have eaten a few. :)
Pre-K 2 did some cutting and sorting with a fun Valentine's Day sheet.
In Pre-K 1 Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Angela got sneaky! We put these three bowls in a center and asked the peas if they wanted to peel and snap crayons apart. These boys LOVED the idea of breaking crayons on purpose and  got a good fine motor workout without realizing it!
Ms. Natalie had these adorable molds she let us borrow, so in went our crayon bits and we baked them for 12 minutes at 200 degrees.
Here's how they looked after we popped them out!
Then we used them to make the peas Valentines from their teachers! They were a surprise to go into their Valentine buckets!
We also set out this optional center at the writing table. The peas used our "Name Box" to pull out their friend's names and add them to the list!
They really loved writing all of their friend's names.
PK 2 made conversation hearts at their writing table!
We are introducing sight words right now so we thought of sight words and then had each person take their picture holding a word. We added them to our word wall and made some class books.
At one of our centers, we used hearts to write some of the word wall words.
Afterwards, we used them to make sentences!
It turned out to be a popular center! They played with the words on the white board. Side note: This is my new magnetic white board Ms. Molly and Ms. Natalie ordered for me in PK 1....and I'm geeky excited to have it!
As the week went on, we did a lot of heart coloring! This was a visual discrimination sheet.
And a heart number sheet....
PK 1 did a take home project to decorate our tree! Kiddos could take home a heart to decorate and we would hang it up on the tree. It turned out pretty cute!
Next, we prepared our Valentine boxes. Pre K 2 went fancy with these amazing cereal box Valentine holders. They were adorable.
PK 1 made heart shape hanging Valentine holders. First we painted two paper plates.
Then we bent them into a heart shape and decorated them!
On Thursday we had a center where you could add your Valentine's to each friend's holder. They loved it!
On Valentine's day, I gave the peas some hearts to cut out and paint with watercolors....
and it turned out they had a secret message on them!!
After gathering our party supplies, we prepared for our Valentine's Parties!
We all munched on sweet treats and shared lots of love!

And last but not least...Ms. Molly even managed to fit in some Mardi Gras fun on Tuesday!! 
We wore Mardi Gras colors...
 And Ms. Molly made King Cake snacks! Here's how cute they were:
 But for us big kids, she brought the colored sugar in and let the peas sprinkle the colors on themselves!
We had fun decorating them! 
 And eating them, too!
 So Happy Mardi Gras, Happy Valentine's Day and have a wonderful and safe weekend!

1 comment:

  1. WOW there are SOOOOOOOO many great ideas in your post. I want to start pinning them all but I don't know where to start. I'm hosting a linky for people to share their Valentine's Day pictures, I'd REALLY love for you to link up this post if you have time. Thanks again for all of the great ideas. Enjoy your weekend,

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars
