Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mittens and Snow

I really loved these themes of snow and mittens. It has been one of my favorites so far! Ms. Jen from Pre K 2 provided this brilliant and messy idea! Shaving cream + cornstarch=snow! They LOVED it!
Both classes made these adorable name snowmen. We pre-cut the circles, the kids did the rest. We gave them directions before getting started and they did this very independently. I was impressed!
Pre K 2 made these adorable penguins.
Pre K 1 read this silly story:
After, we brainstormed what our own snowmen might do while we are sleeping and then we made some snowpeople of our own! 
The first day we painted with cotton balls a white blob.
The second day we cut them out and glued them onto the light blue paper.
The third day we added features to our snowpeople.
I LOVE unique artwork. Every snowperson has their own personality!

Some of us added a sentence. This one below says, "My snowman would party." Mine, too!
Since we are still working on ordinal numbers, Pre K 2 did this activity. Impressed!
We read this story, which is a must read. I really loved it.
After reading the story, Pre K 1 did a mitten morning message.
We also played a counting game with mittens at math!
We also had a treat this week! The Child Development Class from CHHS came and put on a puppet show for our peas. They were wonderful and polite listeners!
After our puppet show, we began a new art project. We started by tracing mittens, a hat and a face. We glued them onto a big paper.

The next day, we painted bodies, added faces and dots of snow. I love these mitten wearing people!
 Pre K 2 also did their own mitten decorating!
Both classes did a writing activity called "The Big Mitten." We made a book out of ours!
We filled in a sentence that said, "My mitten is so big a __________ could fit inside!"
Not surprisingly, Happy showed up pretty frequently since he was very noisy that day and is much loved by the peas.
I have to say, I think your mitten would have to be pretty big to fit this very healthy, very large guinea piggy inside!
The last book our classes read was this classic:
 Pre K 2 did a sequencing activity that I didn't catch on camera! We made a mitten out of a blanket and took turns being the animals that climbed inside to get warm.
"First the hedgehog climbs in...then the rabbit, then the badger...."

In the mitten.
At the end a mouse climbs in and tickles the bear's nose, and then AHHH..AHHH...AHHHH-CHOO! Everyone is sneezed right out!
To wrap up the week, we had some hot cocoa. Each pea could choose marshmallows or whipped cream. We graphed the results!
Then we did some hot cocoa painting!
We finished up with an art project we used for our graph. The kiddos painted mugs and we added the finger painted paper behind the mugs. Then we glued on cotton balls for marshmallows or a tissue for whipped cream. They turned out super cute!
That wraps up our Snow and Mittens week! Unfortunately I didn't capture a million other things we did like having a paper snowball fight, Pre K 2's cooperative snowman, little books and so much more! However, when you're too busy because you're creating, exploring and learning, that is always a good thing!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun week!! I felt chilly just reading about all the snowmen and mittens. Loved the art work! And I wish I'd been there for story time, you read some great books. Once again you and Miss Amy did a fabulous job. ....and FYI I like whipped cream in my hot chocolate.
