After seeing an igloo on pinterest, and discussing it with the class, we decided to undertake the building of our own igloo! It was a wonderful project that helped the children learn how to create a plan, put their plan into action and see it through to completion! We knew we would need around 200 milk jugs to create a small igloo, so the first thing we did was ask Ms. Molly to send out a school wide email asking for donations. It worked! In around 3 weeks, the ECDC families had donated every milk jug we needed!
The children were in charge of rinsing and cleaning the jugs, checking for caps and keeping a running tally of how many jugs we had each week.
The kids were excited each week to see the layers form!

Having never constructed an igloo, it was a trial and error process! However, all anyone needs is a little motivation and a TON of gluesticks!

Ms. Amy found a fun snack craft to compliment our igloo construction! We used cake cones with a scoop of ice cream, covered them with whipped cream, then made a design of blocks using plastic knives. They were yummy!
And..... here it is complete! We knew the igloo needed rules, so the peas came up with them on their own.
Igloo Rules:
#1 Don't remove the caps!!! (Stinky!)
#2 No roughhousing in the igloo
#3 Only 4 people at a time sitting on their bottoms!
Now it's a great place to read!